Articles on: Developer Options

Does this app expose any JavaScript events?

- When the app renders progress bar widgets. This allows an easy way to update the rendered HTML at the same time when the progress bar widget is generated.

document.body.addEventListener('docapp-free-gift-progress-updated', () => { console.log('Progress bar widgets updated!'); });

- When the app renders popup widget offers. This allows an easy way to update the rendered HTML at the same time when the offers in the popup are generated.

document.body.addEventListener('docapp-free-gift-popup-updated', () => { console.log('Popup offers updated!'); });

- When the app hijacks a Checkout click (if configured to do so) in order to customize the Checkout and block further discounts from being applied on Checkout. This can be used to integrate tracking scripts with any Shop Doctors app.

document.body.addEventListener('docapp-checkout-start', (e) => { console.log('Checkout clicked!'); });

Updated on: 27/03/2024