Manage Gifts
Can I use a Discount code to get a free Gift?
How do I allow gift choices?
How do I set-up a Buy One Get One?(BOGO)
What are Tiered Gifts and How do I set it up?
How do I give a single gift only per order?
Can I change the gift product's price to a non-0 amount?
How do you determine if the free gift showing on the product page is from our app?
Can I give away gift cards?
I received orders which had a gift, but a discount was added that should have caused the gift to be removed.
Why are the free gifts visible in search?
Can I hide gift products from customers?
I received single-item orders which should have a gift, but did not. ("Buy Now"?)
Why Didn’t I receive a gift for the orders that I should have?
Can the app continuously award more of the same gift as the order grows?
Do free gifts have HS codes populated for international orders?
Why does the page initial shows a higher quantity for the gift when a single gift is added to the cart?
Can I strike out the original price of my free gift on cart?
How do I customize the appearance of my “Select Options”?
Can the App ignore certain products when determining goal eligibility?
How do I configure this App? (Free Gift)
Getting Started (Free Gift)
Why does the app's widgets are displaying a different reached subtotal than the cart?
Can we restrict the gift item or promotion to specific user groups or website memberships users?
How do I Customize the “FREE!” text on the widget?
Why is my progress bar widget not visible?
Does the free gift app affect the theme code and interact with other features?
Why can’t I choose to add a widget next to (or hide) a specific part of the page?
If the customer adds an additional discount at checkout and the goal is no longer reached, Will the gift be automatically removed?
Can I give away discount codes that will be used in a future order?
Why is my widget not appearing after a new theme is published?
Can your Gift App work with Shopify Hydrogen?
Can the Gifts be added even if it has no Stocks?